Четверг, 30.01.2025, 21:31

"...Цивилизация гибнет только у тех, кто сам её уничтожил.
И в этом была главная ошибка Карусов.
Они пожалели тех, кто сам уничтожил свои Миры и сам для себя ничего не стал делать, чтобы выжить на своих погибших планетах..."
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Short chronology. Concepts and Definitions
MargaritaДата: Четверг, 26.03.2015, 17:21 | Сообщение # 1
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Сообщений: 1099
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Short chronology from Sandra Rimskaya

Welcome, dear Guest!

You have entered the site: "The army Carus", dedicated to restoring the history of the captured Russian-Petersburg and Moscow.

This site differs from similar history sites in that it only considers the real story of captured Russian Petersburg and Moscow, history of the White Russian Army of the Empire Conde, white generals Angels Carus (Rus), white officers.

From the official point ofview of professional historians, this site does not diverge because historians have recognized the lie to the official version of history of civilization, which was given them by intelligency: the heroes of the French Revolution. Historians say that in the official history books, after intelligency there is nothing to seek: there is a lie: "The literary hoax."

I went from a different pointof reference - the basis of our modern reality of the USSR of the second half the XX century. The main event of the XX century: the revolution (the Civil War) in Petrograd, Moscow and elsewhere in Russia, washed by blood.

And also I took the memoirs ofcontemporaries of the second half of the XIX century: letters, memoirs, biographies, novels domestic. The same way memories of the survivors were used.
Cossacks, Army, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Slavs, and - residents of Leningrad.

And already proceeding fromthe actual biographies of real people, tried to restore the course of events.

Special thanks to servants of the Church of theRussian Orthodox Church, explained to me that the first Knyaz Tsar Rus was renamed by them to the Archangel Michael with thePalace Square and the holy icons. And that there where no "ancient times":

Before the Middle Ages the world and everything died. In the Middle Ages there was only one Novgorod Republic. And renamed Knyaz Michael the archangel first Tsar Rus - the first emperor Diocletian lived in the early Middle Ages in the Novgorod Republic and was the Creator of the World.

With such powerful allies, as a historical Department and holy church, which accused the intelligency in the last complete falsification of history of human civilization, it was not difficult to restore the course of events.

Unlike all theother "historians" I took as a basis genealogy family of princes Conde North - General Staff officers of the Corporation, the Government of the Army Carus for 1352-1921: 
  • 1329-1332. Destruction of the world in the early Middle Ages. The bombardment of the Earth. Death of Sparta. Salvation of Cossacks by Angels Carus.
  • 1352, November 21 - The Church of the Angels Carus. Start a new countdown. Anno Domini.
  • 1352-1853. Conde live in Ksikrik on River Novogor.
  • 1353 -1384. ARMY transported on a military base seven different celestial nations from seven different dead Stars in the Universe.
  • 1385 - The victory over the "Red Dragon". ARMY celebrated victory in their capital - KSIKRIK. Then the army withdrew into the universe, remained a part of the army as a militaryguard against the attacks of the RED over planet from space and forconstructing the civilization.
  • 1385 - The beginning of construction a centralized Army government. Start of a construction of a civilization. Because the civilization to the Middle Ages died completely.
  • 1853 - German troops (Eastern War of 1853-1856.) attacked Petersburg(Xikrik) and Moscow (Mefcarus). At the same time in St. Petersburg and Moscow take place intelligency performances against the army.
  • 1853 - The Cossacks and intellectuals stir up a rebellion and treacherously capturing city.
  • 1853, December – A Murder а the last White Queen of the genus of Angel Archangel Michael: Marie Antoinette.
  • In 1854, Conde leave Ksikrik (St. Petersburg) captured by Cossacks and transfer to Lutetia (Paris) General Staff and all government agencies of Carus Army (Russia). White emigration. Conde war with the Cossacks was moved to the continent.
  • 1854 – 1888. In the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, captured by Cossacks (Germanics), lives Friedrich of Hohenzollern: King-Corporal of Kuban Cossacks and the Emperor (President) ofGermanorossiya.
  • St. Petersburg and Moscow captured by the Germanics and renamed. Central Russia goes under the Germanic occupation.
  • In 1858, captured by the Germanics and renamed modern Russia renames to the Red (Soviet) Prussia.
  • Old Castle Conde: Ksikrik on River Novogor, the capital of the Army, is renamed by Germanics in St. Petersburg on the Neva River.
  • Mefkarus on the river Chartorus was renamed by the Germanics in the city of Moscow on the River Moscow.
  • 1858 - officially changed the emblem of Russia. From the clutches of the eagle disappeared scepter and orb: symbols of state power. That meant Russia went under Germanic occupationin 1858-1871. and called Prussia.
  • 1866 - captured Russia: Red (Soviet) Prussia becomes the North Germanic Confederation. The entire population becomes Germanics. Changed the name of the people and banned French. Introduced a new Germanic occupation language: the French criminallanguage, also known as English criminal, also known as Russian (thieves)language, which refers to the population of the captured Russian Slavic.
  • There is a rewriting of history. Petersburg was renamed and re-writtenin the history of the Novgorod Republic of the Commonwealth, and then rewritten again in the history of ancient Rome and Byzantium (Greece).
  • Rewrote the timeline. Germanics in 513 where credited with 1352 years and as the result Gemanic appeared in 1865. History artificially lengthened and it was increased with 13.5 Ages.
  • 1352 was unnecessary and they exist only on paper.
  • In 1871, the Cossacks captured and renamed Lutetia in Paris, and Russian Empire Army Conde, Angels Carus, they (Cossacks) renamed in Germany. Cossacks rewrote the Army Conde history: Angels Carus (Rus) history.
  • January 18, 1871 in Versailles, Prussian troops proclaimed the German Empire. All of Russia captured by the Germans and the Jews, and renamed to Germany.
  • This date: January 18, 1871 must be simply memorized, because it's the first appearance of Germany, it is captured by Russia: Red (Soviet) Prussia, North German (Soviet) Union.
  • After 1871 - dates still to be specified, there is a new war (revolution) between the Cossacks and their allies: the Jews. Jews defeated the Cossacks. In 1888, in St. Petersburg they killedFrederick of Hohenzollern (Sumarokov), and Prussian: Jews Hanover,Saxe-Coburg-Gotha seized power.
  • In captured St. Petersburg appear first impostors: "The Romanovs" - Jews Holstein in 1854 curryed favor themselves the Prussian nobility together with a Jew Rothschild. ProtégésHanover Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Windsor). History is rewritten again. This timeshe had already rewritten by Jews Holstein, Hanover, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha(Windsor).
  • Due to rewriting history - Sumarokov-Elston completely removed,  the Ataman of the Kuban Cossacks, of Cossack revolt in 1853 - 1871.
  • Sumarokov posthumously renamed and re-written in Frederick of Hohenzollern, also known as Nicholas I, also known as Alexander II, he is also "Yusupov", he's Napoleon (all three), he is Stenka Razin and Pugachev Yemelyan in one bottle. But it seems that these are not all twins of Sumarokov- Hohenzollern, because there are more references to other twins of Sumarokov - Hohenzollern - Roma 'nov.
  • According by what comes up on the biography Sumarokova - Hohenzollern - Napoleon, he was an outstanding personality and must be steadfast understanding and consideration. I think that's Sumarokov will answer all the secrets of the French Revolution.
  • 1888 - change of power in Germanorossiya. It was then on that stage of history in Europe when for the first time came Hanover - Saxe - Coburg - Gotha, Holstein - Gottorp, Bernadotte andGlyuksburg. Taking over the world - is completed. The State of AngelConde, white officers, is pulled apart into pieces and creating the forerunnerof the future countries, which will appear in our modern form after theSecond World War of Angels Conde with the Cossacks in 1914 - 1921.
  • It is then begins the implementation of a fictional Jewish religion "Christianity" (peasants). Prior to that date: 1888, talking about "Christianity" (peasants) - isprematurely.
  • In 1888, in St. Petersburg speak about Orthodoxy - a totally different religion. AND – FOR THE FIRS TIME - celebrated "Christening of Russia." But ... do not speak theadoption of Christianity, but the adoption of Orthodoxy in Kievan Rus type900 years ago.
  • This is the time when in 1888 in St. Petersburg, Moscow and throughout seized Russia, celebrations of the adoption of Orthodoxy took part, not a "Christian" missed theall our christed all over the head. And it is enough to raise an old newspaper to see that in 1888 we are talking about Orthodoxy, not Christianity!
  • That means, church climbed into politics and government, making havoc with the two religions: Orthodox and Christianity (peasantry).
  • It is correct to say not a "church" (tserkov) but "Circus" (tsirk) - The Circus, "Circle". A "Circle" (circus) - is the highestauthority in power among the Cossacks - rebels.
  • And then all the "church" (circuses, circles) - a formerbuildings of the regimental committee, the government of the Cossacks - until 1888. "Temple" (khram) - "mansion" (khoromy) - a house, a palace. Regimental Temples, Regimental Church - a former building (houses, palaces), the regimental committee,the government of the Cossacks at the local level Municipalities. In ouropinion: City Council (gorsovet), the City Duma (gorduma), Administrationof Municipalities.
  • By the way, at the end of the XIX century, the word "autocracy" (samoderzhavie) meant:
    "Municipality" (samoupravleniyje) - the power of the people, the Cossacks. And "Orthodoxy" (pravoslavije) - is "the law ofthe Slavs." The New Testament, by the way. New Law. Charter, it isalso the language of the Russian Orthodox Church "The Great Contract". Cossacks overthrew the government and authority in the Army. And they proclaimed the power of themselves. Hence the change of theold faith - the Old Law, the Charter of the Army, the Great Agreement with Cossacks and PRIHODISHA RUS` in the early Middle Ages. And the new law: the Soviet government of Cossacks (Slavs) in Russia in 1853 - 1888.
  • So the question there was not about religion, but about the change of power. The old authorities: "From God" - were Conde, White Angel Kings. "The old faith.".
  • After the rebellion of the Cossacks in 1853 - 1871 the Cossacks became new government. And everyone was forced to swear allegiance to the Cossacks: the power of people. "New Faith" - Orthodoxy. The new religion.
  • Then the Jews took over the power over Cossacks. Now all the Cossacks forced to swear allegiance to the Jews Holstein, Hanover protégés - Saxe - Cobourg - Gotha. And here it is: theadoption of Christianity (peasantry) in Russia.
  • Conservatives? The old believers - is the army people, which did not change the oath.
  • The new faith: Christianity - a new law of Cossacks – traitors of the Army: "Orthodoxy".
  • A recent faith - Jewish Christianity (peasantry), it is when the Germans and the Jews forced the Cossacks to swear allegiance to the Jews Holstein, Hohenzollerns, Hanover, Saxe - Cobourg- Gotha (Windsor). For that fought with Bourbons and then ran.
  • In 1914, Conde returned to Petrograd (Ksikrik on the river Novogor) for personal involvement in the war with Germany, for the liberation of Russia from 1917-1858 = 59 years of theGerman occupation of Russia. In Petrograd was then told that Russia meet sback the White Emigration.
  • 1 (14) in September 1917, Germany signed the capitulation to Russia - ARMY, and returned to the Army all the land of Russia, which Prussia seized: Sweden, Finland, the USSR, Poland, France, England and Germany.
  • In 1917-1921 Soviet Army fought with the reactivity army of Conde, the White Generals, for the death of Russia and final Dividing of Russian Empire of Army Conde, Carus Angels - Divine Soldier Republic.

Discussion – see the forum theme "Chronology" on a website.

Summary Table of Chronology

Learn more -see the forum topic "Chronology, dates, calendars"

All of mydifference from other historians is that I went on real events and real biographies of real people, participants of the events of the French Revolution 1853-1921.

Sandra Rimskaya,  661, Anno Domini.
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MargaritaДата: Вторник, 07.04.2015, 18:28 | Сообщение # 2
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